Accepting (and Embracing) Reality

In true Dani form, I promised to write about my experience moving in with my…Boyfriend? Partner? Lover? Man who I am infatuated with? Whatever you would like to call him, back in April. I now realize it is JUNE and I have yet to provide you with a sufficient inside look and all the lovelyContinue reading “Accepting (and Embracing) Reality”

Getting Offline

I had a first date planned last weekend. …and I was stood up. Now, I will preface this by saying that this has never happened to me before, and I honestly don’t wish it on anyone. It’s a very odd circumstance to be in and let me tell ya, the WAVE of emotions that crashContinue reading “Getting Offline”

Summer Insights

Hold onto your hats…this is about to be a wild ride. Despite the soaring temperatures, summer is coming to a close and the past two month have been, dare I say…interesting. My life is forever a series of lessons, bewilderment, excitement, gratitude and although minuscule, the odd disappointment. I’ve come to expect the unexpected andContinue reading “Summer Insights”


Hi…I’ve missed you. First off, I’m glad to be back writing, collecting my thoughts, and as always, sharing them with each and every one of you. It’s been far too long, I know, but I couldn’t bring myself to create forced sentences or string meaningless words together. It’s always so obvious to me when contentContinue reading “Acceptance”

Losing That Spark (and Slowly Finding it Again)

Where do I even begin? It’s been six months since I poured my heart out on here and in those six months soooo much has happened. I had been doing a ton of writing for others during that time and honestly, just didn’t have the drive or motivation to share my words on here. WhichContinue reading “Losing That Spark (and Slowly Finding it Again)”

Here We Go Again…

It’s been three months since I sat down and poured my heart out on here, so I figured it’s about time I did it again. I haven’t been journaling like I normally do, so consider this a public journal entry. I have some things I need to get off my chest and release myself fromContinue reading “Here We Go Again…”

Shedding Layers

A lot can happen in nine months (just ask any parent out there) and yet again I’ve been the one shocked and delighted with newness and change. It’s been R-E-A-L. Since July, I’ve grappled with endings in the form of a relationship, a connection I had high hopes for and losing my beloved dog. MostContinue reading “Shedding Layers”

Brewery Thoughts

This is me, sitting in my local (favourite) brewery, pondering life and what’s to come. Because what else do you do when you treat yourself to a lovely dark stout? You contemplate everything and anything…and you write. Lately I’ve been thinking about what I truly want in life. What do I want it to lookContinue reading “Brewery Thoughts”

I’m Done

I was going to title this something completely different, but when it came down it, I decided this summed things up pretty well. This year has been tough, we all know that, we’ve all felt that, and we’re STILL feeling that. It’s been exhausting, stressful, trying, heartbreaking and infuriating. And as we near the finalContinue reading “I’m Done”

Only Human

As you all know, I strive to be as transparent as possible when it comes to this little life of mine. I share a lot on here and I have no shame in that. I truly feel that in order to learn and grow, we have to communicate and talk with one another. And thisContinue reading “Only Human”