
Hi…I’ve missed you. First off, I’m glad to be back writing, collecting my thoughts, and as always, sharing them with each and every one of you. It’s been far too long, I know, but I couldn’t bring myself to create forced sentences or string meaningless words together. It’s always so obvious to me when contentContinue reading “Acceptance”

What Next?

It’s past my bedtime but I gotta get this off my chest. I want to casually remind everyone that boundaries are important and expectations should be non-existent. Between a very weird situation on the weekend (more on that later), a minor meltdown, sudden realizations, binging my favourite podcast and journaling my damn heart out everyContinue reading “What Next?”

You’re Better Blonde

So I’ve been doing some reflecting. Obviously. It’s kinda my jam. But I had a bit of a profound moment last week that I wanted to dive into and talk about. Last week I looked in the mirror & took a good look at myself. Not only did I LIKE what I saw, but forContinue reading “You’re Better Blonde”


Content is an adjective that means to be in a state of peaceful happiness. Synonyms include: satisfied, pleased, fulfilled; happy, cheerful, cheery, glad, delighted; tranquil, unworried, untroubled, at ease, at peace, comfortable, serene. It is also defined as satisfied with a certain level of achievement, good fortune, etc., and not wishing for more. I loveContinue reading “Content”

Panic Mode

I’m going out on a limb here and am getting straight up vulnerable with you guys because to me, it’s important, and I feel like we need to have more conversations and topics discussed about real life situations that more of us can relate to. There are sooo many topics that people sweep under theContinue reading “Panic Mode”

Trial & Error

Welp. It finally happened. I’m very happy to announce that this year’s Christmas was my absolute favourite (so far). And to me, this was a huge feat. I absolutely love the Christmas season and one of my biggest dreams as an adult was to be able to share it with the people I love andContinue reading “Trial & Error”

Timing is Everything

Mountains have my heart and make my soul happy, so in true Dani fashion, writing about my recent trip to see them and the revelations that came with it were on my priority list today. Yes, I’ve seen them a million different times, with many different people, but they just never get old. I’m stillContinue reading “Timing is Everything”

Airport Thoughts

I just polished off a massive plate of steamed veggies with goat cheese and chicken and a lovely pale ale (so boujee now) at an airport pub and when you have 3 hours to kill, you start to ponder things. And when I contemplate my little life, I obviously have to write about it. It’sContinue reading “Airport Thoughts”

Brace Yourselves

I don’t think it’s just me when I say, “These last two months have been insane”. I’m not talking about worldly events but rather the situations that have taken place in our own personal lives. Anyone else dealt with weird circumstances, technology malfunctions, awkward conversations, surprise changes/delays and unexpected run ins with people? I feelContinue reading “Brace Yourselves”

Behind the Scenes

I don’t like talking about my struggles or my problems. I’ll write about them, put them into perspective, find some silver lining and move forward, but I very rarely like to talk to someone about them. I’m sure most can relate. Talking about things you’re going through or dealing with makes you vulnerable and putsContinue reading “Behind the Scenes”