Worry Wart

Before I start, can I just say how weird the term “worry wart” is? I’m going to go google the origin of it after this because I wholeheartedly don’t understand it, yet I use it frequently. English is bonkers man. I’m a worrier. I know this. I’m working on it, but GOSH it’s tough someContinue reading “Worry Wart”

What Next?

It’s past my bedtime but I gotta get this off my chest. I want to casually remind everyone that boundaries are important and expectations should be non-existent. Between a very weird situation on the weekend (more on that later), a minor meltdown, sudden realizations, binging my favourite podcast and journaling my damn heart out everyContinue reading “What Next?”

You’re Better Blonde

So I’ve been doing some reflecting. Obviously. It’s kinda my jam. But I had a bit of a profound moment last week that I wanted to dive into and talk about. Last week I looked in the mirror & took a good look at myself. Not only did I LIKE what I saw, but forContinue reading “You’re Better Blonde”


Content is an adjective that means to be in a state of peaceful happiness. Synonyms include: satisfied, pleased, fulfilled; happy, cheerful, cheery, glad, delighted; tranquil, unworried, untroubled, at ease, at peace, comfortable, serene. It is also defined as satisfied with a certain level of achievement, good fortune, etc., and not wishing for more. I loveContinue reading “Content”

Panic Mode

I’m going out on a limb here and am getting straight up vulnerable with you guys because to me, it’s important, and I feel like we need to have more conversations and topics discussed about real life situations that more of us can relate to. There are sooo many topics that people sweep under theContinue reading “Panic Mode”

Act Now

I’m going to keep this short and cut to the chase. Today was hard. I’m emotional and my way of coping is to either type it out or put it on paper. I chose the first option. Obviously. A year ago today we lost someone very near and dear to me and my heart breaksContinue reading “Act Now”

No Looking Back Now

Recently I’ve started feeling nostalgic…for myself. I’ve been thinking back to the days when I was (semi)carefree and in my own little world. Looking back, I thought I was happy (I wasn’t), I had great confidence (with self image issues) and a pretty good idea of what my future looked like (BOY WAS I WRONG).Continue reading “No Looking Back Now”

Improve Yo Self

In this past month there has been a lot going on in my quiet little world. Things that have taken me by surprise as well as a few frustrations and optimal learning moments. From these situations, I came to the conclusion that it was time to do some self improvement. Because really, you can’t goContinue reading “Improve Yo Self”

‘Tis The Season

26 days until Christmas and only 32 days until New Years Eve. What. The. What. Seriously though, where has this year gone? I can’t believe we only have one more month left of 2016, it’s a bit insane. Now, if you’re anything like me, and you probably aren’t (for good reason) you probably have allContinue reading “‘Tis The Season”