No More of That

Okay, so let me start by saying that I’m not on my A game today, so my writing may be “sloppy” (or it could just be me having too high of standards, we’ll never know!) but between Mommin’, a kid who keeps waking up at 4 every morning, family health scares, work and trying toContinue reading “No More of That”

Let’s Be Weird

Hello folks and welcome back to another addition of the Chronicles of Dani and her ever changing personal life! Actually, not much has drastically changed since the last post, but you get the jist of it. Hopefully. I did get new glasses, so that’s an adjustment, but nothing to scream about from the rooftops. ButContinue reading “Let’s Be Weird”

New Season

It’s that time again. Time to write, share and get comfortable with a whole new wave of changes yet again. Oof. If it feels like this is non stop, well…it’s because it is.  I was going to title this one Word Vomit Volume 2 because I don’t have a clear topic to write about today,Continue reading “New Season”

Thief of Joy

Buckle up, because I’ve wanted to tackle this for a while and shits about to get REAL. I’m about to be honest, vulnerable and completely open with you all. It’s something that I generally have to work myself up for and be in the right mindset for, so please, be kind. I know I’m flawedContinue reading “Thief of Joy”

Stick to Your Guns

Welp, it’s truth bomb time. I’ve been avoiding this topic for a while because honestly, I wasn’t implementing it in my own life like I should have been. I was stuck in a bit of a denial process and not seeing things for how they really were. I had to get real with myself, IContinue reading “Stick to Your Guns”

Where’s The Handbook

Parenting is hard. And parenting alone is f*cking hard. It’s no joke when people say it takes a village, because wow…this stuff is tough. It’s been a difficult week being a Mom and although I know there’s always going to be ups and downs, I could really use more ups these days. I struggle withContinue reading “Where’s The Handbook”

Take Responsibility

I could blame the recent full moon for my latest emotional state or I could blame a certain person, but I’d rather not do either of those. Cause guess what? I don’t believe in blaming external influences for my moods/feelings/thoughts etc. etc. People deal with shitty situations all the time and it’s our OWN responsibilityContinue reading “Take Responsibility”

You Do You

It’s crazy how when you start to do things for yourself that life slowly starts to look up. It’s like the Universe recognizes it and goes, “Hey, this person is really putting in the work and they’re making them self a priority, I better send them some good vibes to keep it going!” Of course,Continue reading “You Do You”

What Next?

It’s past my bedtime but I gotta get this off my chest. I want to casually remind everyone that boundaries are important and expectations should be non-existent. Between a very weird situation on the weekend (more on that later), a minor meltdown, sudden realizations, binging my favourite podcast and journaling my damn heart out everyContinue reading “What Next?”

Boss B*tch

It’s writing time! So first off, THANK YOU to everyone who read my last post. Your feedback and encouragement meant the world to me and god damn, I appreciated it. It was a bit of a charged up post, but it felt like a weight was lifted after I wrote it, so thanks for followingContinue reading “Boss B*tch”